If you would like to delve deeper into the topic, we have some selected literature tips here. We hope you will find some exciting content. For German sources please change to the German page.
Schedler, Kuno, & Rüegg-Stürm, Johannes (2014, Eds.). Multirational Management. Mastering conflicting demands in a pluralistic environment. Palgrave Macmillan
Guenduez, Ali A., & Schedler, Kuno (2014). Managerial challenges and tasks in multirational public organizations. International Public Management Review, 15(2), 58-76.
Schedler, Kuno (2003). “… and politics?” Public Management Developments in the Light of two Rationalities. Public Management Review, 5(4), 533-550
Teixeira, M. G., Caleman, S. M. d. Q., & Americo, J. C. (2020). Multiple rational management and governance in agriculture cooperatives. Corporate Governance-the International Journal of Business in Society, 20(4), 653-671
Townley, Barbara (2002). The Role of Competing Rationalities in Institutional Change. The Academy of Management Journal, 45(1), 163-179
Schedler, Kuno; Tannò, Aline; Burkardt, Franca; Shevkova, Olena & Frischknecht, Ruth (2024). The six dimensions of organizational rationality. SSRN (2024). DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.5065742
Little Green Bags: Multirational Competence – off with the blinders!