Work With Rationalities

Recognise Rationalities
Understanding rationalities does not guarantee conflict-free interactions, but it can help you interpret conflicts more effectively and tailor your communication to different groups within your organisation.
It’s crucial to recognise that rationalities develop through ongoing exchanges among group members. They are not fixed but also not easily changeable within a group. Because they evolve dynamically, they are incredibly complex, and any attempt to measure them is necessarily a simplification.
Nevertheless, the earlier we can measure rationalities, the better we can comprehend the meaning communities in our organisation.
To start exploring this topic, use our questionnaire.
rganising an internal workshop on this topic with members of your organisation can be recommended. The participants’ feedback will provide you with valuable insights for in-depth discussions. It will encourage you and your team to reflect on yourselves and your organisation, gaining new perspectives and insights.
Some typical questions to explore in the workshop are:
- Which manifestations of rationalities can be found in your organisation?
- Where are the big differences and to what can this be attributed?
- Do these differences have an impact on how you communicate with each other?
- How do you want to deal with the differences? Do you need a common approach to situations where different rationalities clash?
- Are there dimensions in your organisation that are not included in this questionnaire but that are important to you?
It might be helpful to seek the support of a moderator. There are many good options available in the market that you can take advantage of, or you can reach out to Dr. Franca Burkhardt who would be happy to assist you.